
Passing It On: My Book

As part of my morning disciplines (plan, read, write, pray, meditate, affirmations) I do a gratitude list. This daily work is critical to having a useful and productive day and staying in fit spiritual condition. Today’s gratitude list contained an item never there before in my 41 years of program. My paperback and digital (Kindle) book was published this morning on Amazon Books.  Food Was the Symptom, Not the Problem: 12 Steps to  New Life, by Don C. Why a book? Three reasons.

First, I feel I have a reservoir of useful information inside me that needs to be passed on while I can. I just turned 83. Need I say more. I used to have plenty of opportunities to share what I’ve learned over my 41 years.  Now there are less face-to-face opportunities, less retreats for me, less speaking, less sponsoring, less leading of step studies, and less opportunities at the region and world service levels because of my age and disability.

Secondly, to hold on to recovery and keep living the program in my new life of unfixable chronic pain and slowly increasing physical disability I needed to find something in which I could lose myself. I need to do something positive that overrides the negative. Writing has always been my top antidote for the depression I’ve fought all my life. It’s the same reason I started a blog in 2015. Writing is therapeutic for me. In this case it was an alternative to the opioids which the doctors attempted to prescribe.

And third, it’s pure 12th step work. A lake, to stay clear and clean, needs a flow-in and a flow-out. My flow-in is working and living my 12-Step program.  My flow-out is passing it on  – passing on the program of recovery to others.

That’s why I wrote the book. Those of you who have followed my blog over the years will recognize some material from the blog, especially the chapter on Working the Steps for the First Time and the chapter on Living the Steps. These chapters are a distillation of multiple blog postings.

None of this means I’m finished. I’m not dead, just slowing down! I’m taking 25 people through the steps in a 15-week step study starting in two weeks. I have several sponsees I’m taking through the steps. I’m still involved in both intergroup and regional work. Thanks to zoom I’m still speaking 2-3 times a month. I plan to post much more frequently this year on the blog. And lastly, I’m working on another book. All this is about holding on to my freedom.

Categories: Recovery

17 replies »

  1. SO good to hear from you Don. I’ve been thinking of you A LOT!! I just bought your book and now, I’ll have to figure out when I can see you in person, so you’ll be able to sign it for me. I can’t WAIT to read it. Xoxoxo, Marlene


  2. Fantastic, Don!!  Thrilling that you have your book published!!! Incredible, such terrific service, and work!! My heartfelt Congratulations!!! Warmest regards,Nancy 


  3. Thank you, Don! I’ve been thinking abt you for the past few weeks and it’s good to know that you’re on to exciting things (as usual). I’ve ordered your book and it’ll be here on the weekend. I thought it wd be a good b’day present for me. Now, I just have to figure out how to see you in person, so I can get you to sign it. 🙂


    • Don,

      I am reading your book, and finding it of great value. Thank you for all of the service that you do. I have been following your work for many years, and have met you occasionally at an OA gathering.

      Recently, I have developed severe chronic back pain (stenosis and arthritis). Would you be open to a conversation about this. I know that you have faced chronic pain, too, and have found solutions in your program practices.

      Thank you again, for all of the service that you offer.

      Kathy K.


  4. Congratulations, Don! I put the book on my wish list. I often use your writings as part of my morning step 11. You give freely of all you have learned via the Steps. Thank you. Have a wonderful 2024. Dottie in AZ


  5. <

    div dir=”ltr”>

    Hi Don,


    div dir=”ltr”>Laura W here from Brandywine Intergroup. I just bought 2 copies of your book and the kind


  6. I have just ordered your book from Amazon and I look forward to reading it and I pray it will guide me back to OA. Thank you. 💜🙏


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